It’s a 20 day campaign aimed at raising awareness on GBV in the community and raising funds for GVRC and a Gender Based Violence Recovery Centre (GBVRC) at the Eldama Ravine Sub County Referral Hospital.

During the March and April 2022 out-of-school period, GVRC successfully trained 285 teachers from 150 schools spread across 10 project counties on understanding GBV and child protection, alternative approaches to discipline, psychosocial support for children survivors and establishment of Kings and Queens clubs.
Through this capacity building exercise, the participants were acquainted with TSC policies and best practices on child protection when tackling School Related Gender Based Violence (SRGBV). The champion teachers developed action plans that will guide them in the efforts to create response child protection mechanisms within the school environment which included establishment of Kings and Queens clubs. These clubs are meant to be safe spaces for learners to have access to information on their rights and thus becoming champions at their level and access to mitigation measures such as referral pathways.