One of Project Accelerate’s outputs is to increase availability and uptake of quality, multi-disciplinary, efficient, inclusive and user- friendly GBV prevention and response. In May and June 2022, GVRC facilitated the training of 286 Health Care Providers from 20 sub-counties on the clinical and forensic management of GBV. This training was done in two 2-day…

It’s a 20 day campaign aimed at raising awareness on GBV in the community and raising funds for GVRC and a Gender Based Violence Recovery Centre (GBVRC) at the Eldama Ravine Sub County Referral Hospital. During the March and April 2022 out-of-school period, GVRC successfully trained 285 teachers from 150 schools spread across 10 project…

It’s a 20 day campaign aimed at raising awareness on GBV in the community and raising funds for GVRC and a Gender Based Violence Recovery Centre (GBVRC) at the Eldama Ravine Sub County Referral Hospital. GVRC and Solian Athletic Club extends an invitation to you to partner with us in supporting survivors of GBV and…

The Day of the African Child has been celebrated on June 16th every year since 1991 when it was first initiated by the organization of African Unity (OAU).It honors those who participated in the Soweto uprising on 16th June 1991. On June 16th every year governments and all stakeholders involved in child protection gather to…

On 30th May, both men and women from different walks of life coloured the University of Nairobi Grounds with white and pink. They expressed the hope that killings of nearly 40 women and other forms of violence across the country in the past few months would end. Families that had lost their loved ones to…

Following the launch of a Gender Based Violence Recovery Centre (GBVRC) at Wote Referral Hospital in Makueni  County, the County Government of Makueni  in partnership with the Gender Violence Recovery Centre (GRVC) initiated a gender based violence sensitization program from 25th February to 6th March, 2019. This was done in order to address sexual gender…

Kenya Primary School Heads Association Conference, Sheikh Zayed Ground, Mombasa, 13 – 17 August 2018 With support from Danida, NWH and GVRC teams attended the annual KEPSHA conference. The themes for discussion during the conference covered child sexual abuse of boys and girls (defilement), the status of the boy child in the country, alternative forms…

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