It’s a 20 day campaign aimed at raising awareness on GBV in the community and raising funds for GVRC and a Gender Based Violence Recovery Centre (GBVRC) at the Eldama Ravine Sub County Referral Hospital. During the March and April 2022 out-of-school period, GVRC successfully trained 285 teachers from 150 schools spread across 10 project…

It takes courage for a survivor of gender based violence to share their story. Never underestimate your power to affect the course of a survivor’s healing journey. Here are some tools—words, actions, and resources—that can help you support someone who shares their personal experience with you. You don’t have to be an expert—you just have to be your…

Pro-active strategies towards ending violence against children and women is what GVRC strives for in its primary prevention programs. That’s why we engaged the children from Reuben Primary School in a pilot self-defense class at Mukuru kwa Reuben slums. This is an after school programme whose objective is to equip the children with life skills…

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