Zuia Noma Mtaani Reloaded, supported by Plan had interventions that proved their worth in social transformation by engaging various target groups at the project sub counties. One of the activities in the project was awareness raising in schools. This was done by engaging 12 schools in a thematic child participation essay writing competition and artistic drawing of pictures on child protection. The essays reflected the level of understanding of children on Child abuse issues.
The winners of the essay writing competitions were awarded with various prizes as a gesture of recognizing best essay writers on Child protection. Artists were identified and assisted the children paint their own drawings on the walls (Murals). The pictures convey messages on ending Violence against Children and a resounding NO to abuse. With the essay writing and drawing competitions, a total of 1768 children (814 males, 954 females) were reached and the majority of the participants ranged between ages 9-15 years with girls being the majority. It was realized that some children express themselves better in art as the pictures collected convey a lot of information on violence against children.