This is not our regular awareness strategy because let’s face it, child abuse is NOT regular. It’s not normal, it’s not safe, it’s not friendly and neither is it consistent! So why should we stick to older models of raising awareness and expect different results? It’s time to Get Moving!

GVRC is proud to partner with the Kartasi Brand, a well renowned name in the school exercise books industry in bringing the message closer to the classroom. We desire for the pupils/students of Kenya to have basic self – help tips at their fingertips for active participation in child protection. Better yet, how mind boggling would it be if every child in Kenya knew the national emergency toll – free lines at the top of their head?

Branding initiative supported by UN Women Kenya and Africa UNiTE Kenya Chapter

We thus present the 2016 limited edition of the branded Kartasi Exercise Books 120 pg single line.

Grab a copy at your local bookstores and supermarkets and help turn those pages of change…#GetInvolved

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