Get Moving! is an exciting powerful internal process that enhances the quality of organizations working to prevent violence against women (VAW). The process involves intensive self reflection of individual and organizational level allowing staff working in the GBV sector to reflect not only on what they do but how they do it.

GVRC has been actively engaged in this process, aiming to positively touch and impact more lives in lasting ways. The ever dedicated staff, ranging from counselors, social workers, project officers and administrative staff have been undergoing through a 10 – chapter programme reflecting on various aspects of VAW Prevention. The team meets once a month in spaces that encourage personal reflection and are required to journal their thoughts and feelings. They are encouraged to keep their journals in what they consider are safer spaces! Get Moving! challenges the staff to critically examine their individual values and identities whilst relating these values to the organizational culture and integrity in their work on VAW Prevention.

The programme is coordinated by the GBV Prevention Network; a vibrant network of activists and organizations working to prevent violence against women (VAW), united in their mission to uphold equality in our homes and communities. The Network is over 500 members strong, working in 18 different countries in the Horn, East and Southern Africa to build a just and violence-free world for women.

GVRC is a member of the GBV Prevention Network whose headquarters are based in Kampala, Uganda.

Get Moving!

March 29, 2013

