The ‘Women safety in Tea Zones’ project (WSP) in Kericho and Bomet Counties aims to achieve two outcome areas as follows: Investment in safety and economic viability of safe public spaces Improving attitudes and behaviors related to women and girls’ rights to enjoy public spaces free from Sexual Violence against Women and Girls. GVRC continues…

Accelerate is a Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) program funded by DANIDA and implemented in a consortium led by Population Services Kenya (PS KENYA) in partnership with Gender Violence Recovery Centre (GVRC) and Population Services International (PSI). The program will contribute towards ICPD25 Promise of zero unmet need for…

The ‘Zuia Noma Mtaani’ project is funded by Plan international and implemented by GVRC in Kibra constituency.  Zuia Noma Mtaani’ is a community coined term that mean prevent violence in the homes and this project, focuses on preventing online child abuse and all forms of violence of children in Kibra constituency. The goal of the…

With support from Denmark through its Kenya Country Programme, GVRC received funding to implement a project dubbed ‘Enhancing Services and Advocacy on Gender-Based Violence in Kenya’ in 9 counties in Kenya. This project focuses on provision of medical, psycho-social and legal support to survivors of gender-based violence and their families, heightened awareness raising amongst communities…

  The overaching goal of this action is to raise public awareness, stimulate behavior change and increase political support coordination and resources to respond to national issues; in relation to PREVENTION of violence against women and girls, PROMOTION of justice and ending impunity and PROVISION of services to survivors of violence. Kenya is yet to…

Get Moving! is an exciting powerful internal process that enhances the quality of organizations working to prevent violence against women (VAW). The process involves intensive self reflection of individual and organizational level allowing staff working in the GBV sector to reflect not only on what they do but how they do it. GVRC has been…

GVRC prides itself in being a centre of excellence in the prevention and management of Gender Based Violence in Kenya. Maintaining standards of excellence is top priority in the organizational strategic plan. To drive this intervention, GVRC has partnered with GBV Prevention Network with the focus a strengthening its role in Violence Against Women (VAW)…

With grant support from DANIDA (Embassy of Denmark), GVRC intends to increase coverage in both geographic scope and numbers of survivors reached by GVRC in the prevention and management of Gender Based Violence (GBV) This is enabled by meeting and scaling up the center’s targets with the overall objective of bringing back meaning to the…

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