Internship/ Volunteership Program From  January, May and September.

Do you have a pas­sion for change? Do you want to make a mark in the world? If you’re inter­ested in being part of a dynamic team sup­port­ing sur­vivors of Gen­der Based Vio­lence, then welcome on board! This oppor­tu­nity is all about hands on expe­ri­ence. The major­ity of learn­ing takes place in our Response programs as well as via Pri­mary Pre­ven­tion ini­tia­tives, Advocacy and Resource Mobilization avenues. Our experts have tones of professional experience, ready to share with you.
We are look­ing for interns who are avail­able, creative, willing to put in the effort and most importantly, have the passion to sup­port sur­vivors of Gen­der Based Violence.

The intern­ship pro­gram will admit stu­dents/volunteers with academic backgrounds on:

  • Psychology
  • Social Work
  • Project Man­age­ment & Resource Mobilization
  • Gender Studies

Or any related fields of study.

Pre­ferred level of edu­ca­tion is Undergraduate, Masters and PhD, as well as recent grad­u­ates seek­ing to gain significant work experience.

The program intake is every periodic quarter of the year i.e. January, April, July, October. Interested parties are advised to drop in their CV and Cover letter stating their expression of interest during any of the above mentioned periods, send an email to Best of Luck!

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