It’s a 20 day campaign aimed at raising awareness on GBV in the community and raising funds for GVRC and a Gender Based Violence Recovery Centre (GBVRC) at the Eldama Ravine Sub County Referral Hospital. During the March and April 2022 out-of-school period, GVRC successfully trained 285 teachers from 150 schools spread across 10 project…

Kenya Primary School Heads Association Conference, Sheikh Zayed Ground, Mombasa, 13 – 17 August 2018 With support from Danida, NWH and GVRC teams attended the annual KEPSHA conference. The themes for discussion during the conference covered child sexual abuse of boys and girls (defilement), the status of the boy child in the country, alternative forms…

The Life Skills Manual was finalized and launched on 29th June 2018. It is envisioned that the manual will be crucial in imparting knowledge on child online protection and subsequently promote self-protection and advocacy skills among children. The manual is easy to use and includes exciting activities and exercises to facilitate effective teacher interactions with…

Zuia Noma Mtaani Reloaded, supported by Plan had interventions that proved their worth in social transformation by engaging various target groups at the project sub counties. One of the activities in the project was awareness raising in schools. This was done by engaging 12 schools in a thematic child participation essay writing competition and artistic…

This is not our regular awareness strategy because let’s face it, child abuse is NOT regular. It’s not normal, it’s not safe, it’s not friendly and neither is it consistent! So why should we stick to older models of raising awareness and expect different results? It’s time to Get Moving! GVRC is proud to partner…