With grant support from DANIDA (Embassy of Denmark), GVRC intends to increase coverage in both geographic scope and numbers of survivors reached by GVRC in the prevention and management of Gender Based Violence (GBV) This is enabled by meeting and scaling up the center’s targets with the overall objective of bringing back meaning to the lives of survivors and their families.

The action seeks to meet objectives in the following areas: increased number of survivors accessing comprehensive medical and psychosocial support, increased access to justice for survivors, capacity building of key stakeholders in GBV management (Healthcare providers, teachers, schools, school – parent associations, pupils) and enhanced chain of evidence management.

The direct beneficiaries of this programme are 5000 women, children and adult male survivors of abuse.

The programme was commissioned in February 2012 and is ongoing.

Response to and Prevention of Gender Based Violence in Kenya

February 28, 2012



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